Tuesday, July 9, 2013


 Our journey has been short. I certainly don't have all of the answers, but I do have resolve to ensure that everyone that comes in contact with our family, our foundation, a child with special needs, is made more aware of the need for compassion, understanding, patience, and love.

Together we can build bridges to bring our community together and stand behind these families so desperately seeking support and answers. 

"How", how do we band together? How do we instill compassion and  empathy in families that may not share our experiences, may not have this tough path to walk along? If we end judgement, end the negative feedback and comments, teach our children, instill in them, the Golden Rule, we can begin to embrace differences and see those differences as beautiful, not scary, not weird. It begins with us, as parents, as partners in a world that seems to embrace hate, crime, and gossip. It begins with us as positive role models, showing the children in our lives that it is okay to be a leader, okay to stand behind someone "different" and not shy away from understanding the person behind the need.

Finding the positive in every person, every situation allows us to step back and remember all that we have to be grateful for. I may not have all the money in the world, I may be faced with challenges everyday, but without these challenges, my heart would not be as full of love as is. 

Take a moment to bask in the sunshine, be grateful for what you have, don't dwell on what your life lacks, and above all, fill your heart with compassion. I promise taking ten seconds to find the "Glad" in a tough situation will bring you peace.

Our path may be twisted, may have many turns to choose from, but I know that if we continue to teach our children to embrace differences, not focus on them, to see someone's difference in a positive light, not negative, we will begin to lay the brickwork for our community bridge.

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