Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Retrospective View Requires a Great Big Thank You

 The strongest of all warriors are these two -- Time and Patience, Leo Tolstoy War and Peace

Two years ago, almost to the day we received our diagnosis. As many of you know, every detail of that day are engrained permanently in my mind. I can still recall each of my senses, make them tangible, as if I were reliving that moment. I remember the feeling of the sweat trickling down my back as the doctor explained what Autism is and listed the various specialists I should call. I remember A and O sitting in the chairs next to the door trying hard to be patient as I tried to hear what I was being told, wishing that somehow the information could be absorbed via osmosis. I recall the smell of the room, that almost sweet, sickly sweet smell that doctor's offices always have.

How far we have come in those 2 years. It seems like an eternity ago, yet still close enough to know why we have chosen to do what we are doing. We have made sacrifices, on behalf of our entire family, hoping and praying that in the end the sacrifices will be outweighed by the lives we touch, by the depth of love, compassion and understanding we thrive on within our family unit. We certainly will never become rich, by choosing this path. We may not be able to go out on date night dinners with our friends, may not be able to take an impromptu vacation, or buy the trendiest line of clothing, but we hope to look back on all of this, from the rocking chairs on our front porch, and know in our hearts that our decision was the best for our family.

We hope to continue to reach families who have felt our loneliness,  who have felt the despair, who have heard earth shattering news from a doctor, who regardless of the diagnosis, want someone who understands on a personal level, the range of emotions they feel. We hope to be able to expand to neighboring communities and provide support to any and all who want to be included. We hope to collaborate with those who have filled their hearts with a similar mission.

My friends, this path we walk down is long, and hard. We are in it for life. Whether you have a child, a relative, a student, a friend, who is given any diagnosis, it is something that you live with, body and soul. How we move forward, how we receive the information we are given, will help us choose from the many paths laid before us. There is no need to walk down any path alone. Whether you become a part of our community for a brief period of time, or whether you become part of our legacy, you will always be a part of our family.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. With each new day, with each new experience, we are touched by someone who makes a difference. Some days are harder than others. Some days we question the path we have chosen, and other days we see the light turn on, and suddenly we are given clarity. Even if it is just a brief moment in time, those moments are what we need to hold on to. Those moments provide the momentum to continue pushing forward, pursuing treatments, seeking answers, and providing unconditional love to those in our life who so desperately need it.

We see you, we hear you, we feel your presence. We know that our path may be the longest and the one with the most bumps, but in the end those bumps will have given us the endurance to continue our mission.

Thank you for your continued support, for your kind words, for sharing our story. Slowly we are growing, and we know that great things are on the horizon.

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