Tales of a Sensory Friendly Event
We went to Chuck E Cheese on Sunday. Typically I avoid that place like the plague, because when you go there, you just may come home with the plague. Additionally, it is loud, crowded, kids run around with little supervision, and I end up with a headache, I get anxious, and quickly become the obnoxious helicopter parent.Why, you may ask, did we go to Chuck E Cheese, if it is such a terrible experience? Because of this:
The Glen Burnie Chuck E Cheese hosted it's first ever Sensory Friendly Morning, and we were so thankful to be included.
Sensory Friendly Events are becoming more popular, as awareness for the need expands. With the lights dimmed, less children, earlier hours, our children were able to play their favorite games with no wait time, climb through the overhead tunnels without physically superior children pushing their way through, one on one time with the beloved Chuck E Cheese, and so much more. There was no judgement from other parents, there was a sense of community, though the event lasted only 2 hours.
Before C's diagnosis, I don't think I would have understood the need for these events, I don't know that I would have given it a second thought. Now, we live for these events - more for my sanity than anything else. While I don't think that C understands his diagnosis, or even has an inkling that he has additional needs, I am hyper sensitive to it. C has no physical signs of a disability, and now that he is lacking his two front teeth, it is clear that he is no longer the toddler that his body language and communication skills indicate. I loathe going to crowded, kid infused, loud public places. I anticipate the worst, mentally prepare myself for the multitude of situations that can occur. Of course, we can't live in a bubble, we have 2 other children who deserve to experience all the joys of Chuck E Cheese, Disney, Museums, the Zoo, and even the mall. And to top it off, those who don't know C, don't understand his behavior, don't understand why he won't answer them when they ask a question, or make a request think I am raising a rude child, when in reality, it is their lack of understanding that can escalate a situation.
Knowing we can enjoy a place like Chuck E Cheese without having to be hyper-alert, that C is among children, families, parents and employees who have a deeper understanding of his need, means the world to me. Furthermore, when these events are advertised and held, we continue to raise not only awareness, but acceptance, of our children with varying needs.
The attached pictures depict just some of C's moments of pure joy. We have no less than 15 pictures of C riding the Chuck E Cheese Car (picture on the left is of C admiring his picture printed from the ride). He played a racing game that required him to jump on a built in pogo stick in order to make his character move. He used the mallet to "Wack A Mole". C made eye contact with Chuck E Cheese, and introduced himself. He danced to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" with the other children. He tried his hand at Ski Ball (with assistance). There was no limit to what he was able to try, he was able to take his time, and he chose what he wanted to do, without the pressure of the next kid behind him waiting for a turn.
Again, we couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity, and will certainly participate in future events that this Chuck E Cheese location hosts.
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